REAL NAME: Unknown (called Rai)
ABILITIES: Cybernetically Enhanced Speed, Strength, and Agility; Master Swordsman and Martial Artist.
KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Raijin; Momo; Lula Lee; Spylocke (deceased); Eternal Warrior; Karana (Geomancer); Ray Garrison/Alice Klane; War Mother; Ivar; Jamie Capshaw.
G.A.T.E.'s note: please keep in mind that the present tense for this file is rooted in the 41st Century, as that's where Rai is from. He recounted parts of his life while we were dealing with the sinkholes situation.
Rai is a human-tech hybrid created by Father to be the spirit guardian of New Japan, the orbiting city, in the 41st Century. Father is the AI that rules New Japan, with a deceivingly benevolent hand. Rai's technological side allows him to empathize with the positrons, artificially created servants of New Japan.
Rai is actually Rai X, as Father replaced the Rai when the needs of each generation changed. Rai I, now going by Raijin, was an optimistic young boy that Father united with the same livewire substance that powered himself. He was meant to be a symbol of hope to the people of New Japan.
Rai IX, upon learning of the terrible fate of the human woman who gave birth to him from Spylocke, an agent running the opposition to Father from the shadows, went on a rampage and ended up being recycled.
Rai admits he didn't react much better upon learning this truth, but it was Spylocke himself who convinced him to make a plan to defeat Father. It's important to note that Rai claims that Dr. Silk (the same man trying to sell us a future without death) tried to convince him of going back to the previous status quo of serving the AI.
With help from Spylocke, a young girl called Lula Lee, a positron rebel called Momo, and the Eternal Warrior, Father was defeated. The many sectors of New Japan fell from the sky, and countless lives were lost. Lula had also managed to free the Geomancer, whom she called Karana, that had been powering the orbiting city, trapped in the lower sectors.
Building new life on an already devastated Earth wasn't easy. Especially after Father resurfaced, joining his backup A.G.I. with Bloodshot/Ray Garrison. War Mother and the people of the Grove gave the people of Sontaku Sector a new home after Bloodfather attacked them.
Rai and Raijin were in the middle of a mission to destroy Bloodfather's off-springs (pieces of AI that can make him regain full power) when Ivar the Timewalker called him to the 21st Century to help with our fight.
The last Rai remembers is fighting a storm called the Darque, and something about a war between magic and science, that could have lasted five minutes or a thousand years.

OTHER DETAILS: After the fall of New Japan, Rai pledged himself to a path of peace; but the possible resurgence of Father made him pick the sword once more.