Ivar was born in the ancient city-state of Ur, the first child of the Anni-Padda clan. The second son was Aram, then came Gilad (called Gilly by his siblings) and the youngest was their sister, Vexana. Anni, first Geomancer, Speaker of the Earth, gave them life, and Padda was a warrior originally from the Nergal tribe of death-worshipers.
On a trip to the Faraway with his brothers, Ivar insisted that they retrieve the mystic device called the Boon, prompting the locals to give chase. Gilad was killed while trying to stave them off.
Back home, consumed by grief, Ivar activated the Boon to resurrect his brother, going against Aram's advice. The Boon siphoned the life-force of everyone in the city, granting Aram a seeming immortality.
Because of his crimes against the continuum, Ivar spent thousands of years imprisoned by the Keepers of the Timeless Word. This gave him (almost*) complete knowledge of the entire span of time as well as the locations of all timearcs, naturally occurring rifts in space-time. He remained in their custody until freed by Archer.
Ivar discovered through his travels in time that historical continuity has a naturally occurring method of preserving itself called chronological protection. The only way to change the past is to travel through time via artificial means. This led him to Neela Sethi when she was about to invent time travel in her CERN laboratory in Geneva.
Hunting Neela were the Prometheans, fifth dimensional suicide drones from the end of time who work for the Null. They wish to use Neela's invention to annihilate every possible alternate timeline and nullify existence.
Ivar tried to dissuade Neela from completing her invention, but Neela eventually abandoned Ivar in the Carboniferous Period and used his Tachyon Compass to attempt to alter time to save her father. After her repeated unsuccessful attempts to alter history, she came across the Mistress of Prometheans that tricked her into going back to work on a way to time travel bypassing the chronological protection.
While attempting to rescue Neela from the Prometheans, Ivar was killed by the Mistress. Because of her growing love for him, Neela travelled back in time to remove Ivar from the time-stream at the moment he activated the Boon. Together, they defeated the Prometheans, but not before destroying every possible timeline that allowed the two to be together.
Ivar surrendered himself to the custody of the Keepers of the Timeless Word, where he would remain until freed by Archer; when he would again attempt to stop Neela from inventing time travel.
ALIASES: Timewalker.
ABILITIES: Genius Intellect; Invention and use of the Tachyon Compass; Complete Timearc Knowledge (almost).
KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Archer & Aram/Armstrong; Gilad/Eternal Warrior; Vexana/War-Monger; Neela Sethi; Ank (dinosaur-woman he met in the alternate reality where dinosaurs ruled the Earth.)

OTHER DETAILS: According to Armstrong, Ivar's favorite line to say is "no time to explain."
*1882 and 2024 are the two years of which Ivar's memories are distorted. He recently (?) travelled back to 1882 with his siblings to try to get those memories back.
Ivar has been plucking heroes from different points on the timestream to grow the numbers in his opposition against Dr. Silk's promised utopia of a world without diseases or death.