Date of birth unspecified, calculated to be many centuries from now; family connections unknown. The Eternal Warrior found a loophole in time to send young Tama back to the 21st Century just as the current-time Geomancer, Kay McHenry, died at the hands of the Immortal Enemy.
Now a teenager, she has grown into her role as the Speaker for the Earth. As an example of her take on the role, when Raze, the god of Fire who wants to set the world ablaze, when he was set free, she confronted him, and admitted that she's aware of the work that needs to be done for a better future, of humanity and of the planet.
She also worked alongside Ninjak, Shadowman/Magpie and Punk Mambo to stop the primeval force named Babel from breaching a hole from the Deadside into "Heaven", also known as the Liveside.
When the sinkholes situation became critical, Tama and the Eternal Warrior offered their assistance in Washington D.C. After an initial reconnaissance mission to the center of the sinkhole in what used to be the National Mall, General Capshaw was attacked and Tama was kidnapped by the resurrected Deathmate. Eidolon and Bloodshot were sent to retrieve her.
ALIAS: Geomancer, Speaker for the Earth.
ABILITIES: As the Geomancer, she has control over the primal forces of the Earth, and serves as a messenger for its will, beyond the right/wrong concepts of humans.
KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Eternal Warrior; Armstrong; Ninjak.

OTHER DETAILS: While she and Gilad lived in the suburbs, she joined the Friends of the Earth Club, a group of teenagers dedicated to having their voices heard about environmental issues.