REAL NAME: unknown
ALIAS: See background information.
ABILITIES: Trained by the Undead Monk.
KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Sandria Darque (briefly); Master Darque (Roku).
Shadow Seven. Individuals trained by the Undead Monk in the Himalayas. Though the monk remained motionless and did not speak verbally, he put his followers through exceptionally grueling training while they built a monastery around him. Team members:
Kannon. Powerful and manipulative, formerly the head of Weaponeer, a dangerous and influential international arms syndicate. Had his arms and legs cybernetically replaced after Ninjak severed them.
La Barbe. Eccentric inventor and billionaire; now working for Daybreak under Neville Alcott (Ninjak seems to be unaware of this collaboration).
Sanguine. Body-modified assassin. Trained to manipulate her body to an inhuman extent.
Fitzy. A rogue clone of Dr. Silk's loyal assistant Fitzhugh, he's a master martial artist who has secretly worked against the interest of his fellows in a quixotic pursuit of justice. Training with the Undead Monk proved to be one of the few paths his previous clones had not walked yet.
Fakir. Multi-limbed thief; can grow and regrow several small and nimble arms at will. He "took" the Undead Monk to Las Vegas, where Ninjak presumably killed the monk to break Fakir's tie with a nuclear bomb.
Roku. She broke out the members from MI6's custody. Currently, they remain at large.
Ninjak. He was supposed to be the seventh member, and was for a while when they teamed up with Sandria Darque against her brother. But Roku double-crossed them, since she had made a deal with Master Darque to have the mystic spike in her neck removed. Ninjak resurrected her, fueling Roku's hatred of him. During his time reconstructing his mind in the void of the Mindspace, after Roku left him for dead, Colin learned a counter-spell, the Brand of the Blue Moth, that theoretically allows Roku to transform into Angelina and back.